Hongyang Zhang photo 

Hongyang Ryan Zhang
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Northeastern University
Boston, MA 02115

Address: 177 Huntington Ave FL 22nd, Room #2211

Email: ho.zhang@northeastern.edu

I am an Assistant Professor in the Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University in Boston. My research interests lie at the intersection of machine learning, algorithms, and statistical learning, with applications to data mining (in particular graph neural networks) and language modeling.

I received my Ph.D. in computer science from Stanford and my B.Eng. in computer science from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I spent about a year as a postdoc within the statistics and data science department at University of Pennsylvania. For more information about me, please look at my cv.

I enjoy working on technically challenging problems, while striving for broader impacts by creating new knowledge that will benefit the society, as well as fostering the next generation of engineers and researchers.

I support accessible and reproducible research. See our experiment codes on GitHub. Here is a list of my recent activities.

If you are an undergraduate or master's student interested in working with me, please feel free to email me.




Students (lab page)


Prospective students: I am always looking for talented and motivated students to join the lab. Please take a look at our lab page at labpage and our recent projects at github first before contacting me. Students with a strong background in mathematics or programming are generally a good fit for conducting the projects in our lab. If you are interested, please feel free to email me at hongyang90@gmail.com to express your interests.

Students who wish to visit me at 177: Note that this building has access control. If you plan to visit me in-person, you should confirm the scheduled time with me before arrival so that I could give you permission to enter the building at the security.

Professional Services

Area Chair/Senior Program Committee: ICML (2024-2025), AISTATS (2023-2025), ALT (2024), AAAI (2025), Journal of Data-Centric Machine Learning Research (2024-).

Recently Refereed Venues (in addition to the above): COLT, ARR, FOCS, JMLR, TMLR, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.

Conference Organization: INFORMS session chair (2023-2024).


Personal: My Chinese name is written as 张泓洋. I grew up in Tianmen, which is a small town near Wuhan in Hubei province.
